will be a coach trip to Holy Island on July 27th. Please add
your name to the list if you’d like to go. Further details
will follow.
in Missional Church (PMC) UPDATE
We finished the first phase (year) of our
involvement in September 2023.
The first Phase was ‘Listening’
The second phase, started in October is ‘Experimenting’.
The third phase in a year’s time will be ‘Focusing’.
The transition event from first to second phase was an open
PCC meeting in October when we reviewed the first phase and
decided what we believed God wanted us to take up in the second
phase. This is expressed in our Missional Challenge:
God is challenging us to make more
Missional Use of our buildings to reach our whole community
and help them discover God’s love for us all.
So to make better use of the great buildings
(St. John’s and St. Catherine’s) we will reach
out into our communities, which may involve Children and Families
and the Industrial Estate and other areas. Thus our focus
is not to be inward looking but going out to our communities
as we try some experiments this year. The point about experiments
is that if they don’t work, that does not matter. We
try a few initiatives, and depending on the results, adapt
our activities as we move forward.
Progress in Phase 2:
In November, there was a meeting with the other churches in
our Diocese involved in PMC. We heard how other churches are
getting on and shared our progress with them. We also learnt
about how to develop ideas for experiments, sharing with the
congregation and the importance of hospitality.